Who We Serve

At Advocacy Advisors, we have a deep respect and gratitude for first responders and public servants who dedicate their lives to serving others. Our mission is “Advocating for the financial well-being of America’s first responders and military personnel.” We also recognize that individuals serving their community and their country often face unique financial situations and challenges. We’re here to help with:

  • Life and Health Insurance
  • Investments
  • Pension Benefits
  • Retirement Benefits
  • Ordinary Disability and Service-Connected Disability
  • Survivor Benefits
  • Compensation for Occupational Illness or Disease


Police officers face stress and risk throughout their career. We want to help take the stress out of financial planning and preparing for retirement.


Firefighters face risk of illness or disability from toxic substances encountered in the line of duty. Whether you’re just starting out or approaching retirement age, we want to help you understand your financial position and potential benefits available to you.


EMS medical professionals work to offer life-saving support when people need it most. Let us work with you to deliver proper care to your retirement needs and financial goals.


Military service members make many sacrifices as they protect Americans’ freedom. Let us help protect your future. Advocacy Advisors provides personalized financial guidance for military personnel, veterans, and their families.

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Advocacy Advisors